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Sorry! ECHA has not published any information for this chemical as of January 1, 2020.


Primary Chemical Name :

Primary Chemical Name is the standard name assigned to a chemical substance.

CAS Registry Number: 065997-17-3
EC Number:

Synonyms are alternative names that represent the same chemical substance.


The EC Number, formerly known as the EINECS number is a unique 7-digit number (format: xxx-xxx-x) assigned to chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

Fiberglass; Fibrous glass; Glass; Glass enamel 19 E 110; Glass fibers; Glassy sodium phosphate; Lead borosilicate glass enamel flux; Man-made Vitreous Fibers; Man-made Vitreous Fibres; Phosphorus furnace slag; Sodium calcium magnesium polyphosphate; Sodium calcium magnesium silica polyphosphate; Sodium calcium polyphosphate; Sodium calcium zinc silica polyphosphate; Sodium zinc polyphosphate; Sodium zinc potassium polyphosphate;Synthetic vitreous fibers

Sources for Information on Chemicals

List of 157 Brands that contain this chemical

Product Category
Commercial / Institutional

Certainteed, Gyptone Acoustical Ceiling Panels, Professional Use-12/06/2017

solid <1

CertainTeed, Type X Fire Resistant Drywall, Professional Use-05/26/2020

solid 0.2-0.6
Tamko StormFighter IR Shingles, Professional Use-02/01/2022
solid 4.0-7.0
Tamko Titan XT shingles, Professional Use-02/01/2022
solid 4.0-7.0
Tamko TW Metal and Tile Underlayment, Professional Use-02/01/2022
sheet 4.0-7.0
EarthStone, Grill Cleaning Block-10/20/2023
solid 80.0-100.0
Home Maintenance

Behr Premium Extra Textured DeckOver, Deep Base 5015-10/20/2017

liquid 1.0-5.0

Behr Premium Smooth DeckOver, Deep Base, 5000-10/20/2017

liquid 1.0-5.0

Behr Premium Textured DeckOver, Deep Base, 5005-10/20/2017

liquid 1.0-5.0
CertainTeed Basement Wall Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed CertaSound Acoustical Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed EZR Fiber Glass Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed Foil-Faced Fiber Glass Building Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed InsulSafe 4 Loose Fill Insulation-10/26/2001 fiber --
CertainTeed InsulSafe 4 Premium Blowing Wool-09/30/2004 fiber 99
CertainTeed Masonry Wall Batts-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed Noise Reducer Sound Batts-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed Optima Blowing Wool-09/30/2004 fiber 99
CertainTeed Speedy Bandit Fiber Glass Building Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed Speedy Tabless Batts-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97
CertainTeed System 5 Loose Fill Insulation fiber --
CertainTeed Unfaced and Kraft Faced Building Insulation-10/15/2004 fiber 78-97

Custom Building Products, ProLite Premium Large Format Tile Mortar, Gray, Professional Use-11/09/2020

powder 15.0-40.0

Custom Building Products, ProLite RS Premium Rapid Setting Large Format Tile Mortar, Professional Use-11/09/2020

powder 10.0-30.0

GAF, Camelot II Shingles, Professional Use-07/01/2018

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, Royal Sovereign Shingles, Professional Use-07/01/2018

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, Slateline Asphalt Shingles, Professional Use-07/01/2018

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, StormGuard Film‑Surfaced Leak Barrier, Professional Use-06/01/2023

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, Timberline HDZ Shingles, Professional Use-10/01/2019

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, Timberline UHDZ Shingles, Professional Use-10/01/2019

solid 1.0-3.0

GAF, VersaShield Fire‑Resistant Roof Deck Protection, Professional Use-04/01/2019

solid 10.0-25.0

GAF, WeatherWatch Ice and Water Leak Barrier, Peel and Stick Underlayment, Professional Use-06/01/2023

sheet 1.0-3.0
Glidden Performance Edge, 3 IN 1, Interior Latex, Flat, Base 1, GL411 liquid 1.0-5.0
Glidden Performance Edge, 3 IN 1, Interior Latex, Flat, Base 2, GL412 liquid 1.0-5.0
Hercules, Sta Put, Plumbers Putty, 25103-04/22/2015
paste 1.0-5.0
Johns Manville AP Foil-Faced Polyisocyanurate Sheathing-12/07/2005 solid --
Johns Manville Attic Protector Loose Fill Fiber Glass Insulation-02/25/2005 fiber >98
Johns Manville Basement Wall Insulation-02/13/2003 fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Basement Wall Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Basement Wall Insulation, Faced-06/24/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Climate Pro Blow-in Loose Fill Fiber Glass Insulation-02/25/2005 fiber >98
Johns Manville ComfortTherm Poly-encapsulated Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Commercial Building Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Commercial Fiber Glass Board Insulation-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville EasyFit Perforated Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Fiber Glass Building Insulation-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville Foil-Faced Batt Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville FSK-25 Faced Batts-06/24/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville High-Density Blowing Wool Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Insul-SHIELD Faced Fiber Glass Board Insulation-06/24/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Insul-SHIELD Faced Insulation Board-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville Insul-Shield Unfaced, Formaldehyde-Free, Board Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville ITP Concrete Wall Insulation-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville Kraft-Faced Fiber Glass Insulation-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Laminated Metal Building Insulation-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville Microlite L Building Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Mobinsul Building Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville MR-Faced Thermal, Acoustical, Mold & Mildew Resistant Insul-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Multi-Purpose Fiber Glass Insul-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Nailboard Polyisocyanurate Foam Insulation-12/16/2005 solid 0-1.5
Johns Manville Pan-Insul Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville PEBS Blanket Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville R-Panel Roof Insulation-12/07/2005 solid --
Johns Manville Residential Building Fiber Glass Board Insulation-01/05/2006 solid 85-98
Johns Manville Rich-R Blowing Wool Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Rich-R Gold Blowing Wool Insulation fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Sill Sealer fiber 85-98
Johns Manville Sound Control Batts-06/06/2005 fiber 80-98
Johns Manville Spider Spray-in Fiber Glass Insulation-02/25/2005 fiber >98
Johns Manville Spin-Glas Insulation fiber 85-98

Kilz Over Armor, Wood & Concrete Resurfacer, Smooth, Deep Base, L3924-12/04/2015

liquid 1.0-5.0

Kilz Over Armor, Wood & Concrete Resurfacer, Textured, Deep Base, L3925-06/18/2015

liquid 1.0-5.0
Kingfisher Deevar Wall Panels solid <1.0
Knauf Basement Wall Insulation fiber 83-97
Knauf Duct Liner EM fiber 83-97
Knauf Foil-Faced Residential Insulation fiber 83-97
Knauf Friendly Feel Duct Wrap, Unfaced and Faced fiber 83-97
Knauf FSK-Faced Residential Insulation fiber 83-97
Knauf Insulation Board board 83-97
Knauf Jet Stream Blowing Insulation fiber 98-99
Knauf Kraft-Faced Residential Insulation fiber 83-97
Knauf Sill Sealer fiber 83-97
Knauf Wall Insulation fiber 83-97
Laticrete Permacolor Select Color Kit Pigment Packs-01/29/2020
powder 0-90.0
Laticrete Spectralok One Translucent Pre-Mixed Grout-02/22/2022
paste 50.0-80.0

Loctite Power Grab Tub Surround Interior Construction Adhesive-12/12/2014

paste 30.0-60.0
Natural Gypsum Gold Bond Gypsum Board, All Standard Board Products solid <1
Owens Basement Wall Finishing System-Wall Panel solid 75-90
Owens Corning Cathedral Batt Fiberglass Insulation-12/22/2003 fiber 85-96
Owens Corning PinkPlus Insulation featuring Miraflex Fiber fiber 100
Owens Corning Sill Sealer Fiberglass Insulation-12/22/2003 fiber 85-96
Owens Corning Sound Attenuation Fire Batts-12/22/2003 fiber 85-96
7010_Image Propink complete insul propink_large.jpg
Owens Propink Complete Fiber Glass Insulation fiber 98-100
Owens Propink Loosefill Fiber Glass Insulation fiber 98-100
Owens Super Pink Blowing Wool-12/22/2003 fiber 85-96
7289_Image RL2700 Candlelight.jpg
Ralph Lauren Candlelight RL2700 liquid 10.0-20.0

Red Devil Crack Patch Premium Acrylic Spackling, Squeeze Tube, 0805-07/04/2013

paste <4

Red Devil Crack Patch Premium Acrylic Spackling, Tub, 0802-07/04/2013

paste <4

Red Devil Glazing Compound, Siliconized Acrylic, Cartridge, White, 0666-06/26/2013

paste <3

Red Devil House & Home Restore Tile Grout, EZ Squeeze Tube, White, 0438-06/18/2013

paste <1