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Sorry! ECHA has not published any information for this chemical as of January 1, 2020.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)

Primary Chemical Name :

Primary Chemical Name is the standard name assigned to a chemical substance.

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)
CAS Registry Number: 000094-75-7
EC Number:

Synonyms are alternative names that represent the same chemical substance.


The EC Number, formerly known as the EINECS number is a unique 7-digit number (format: xxx-xxx-x) assigned to chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

(2,4-Dichlorophenyloxy)acetic acid;2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; Acetic acid,(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-;Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid;Phenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-dichloro-;2,4-D; 2,4-D; (2,4-Dichloor-fenoxy)-azijnzuur; (2,4-Dichlorophenyloxy)acetic acid; 2,4-D acid; Agricorn D; Agrotect; Amoxone; Barrage; Chloroxone; Deherba; Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid; Dicopur; Dormon; Emulsamine; Envert DT; Estone; Fernesta; Fernimine; Ferxone; Hedonal; Herbidal; Ipaner; Macondray; Moxon; Pennamine D; Phenox; Phenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-dichloro-; Tributon; Vergemaster; Weedatul; Weedone; Weedtrol

Sources for Information on Chemicals

List of 40 Brands that contain this chemical

Product Category

Scotts STEP 3 Lawn Food With 2 Percent Iron, (32-0-4)-12/04/2015

granules 1.21
Vigoro Ultra Turf Lawn Weed Control granules 1.37
Vigoro Ultra Turf Weed & Feed granules 0.64
Vigoro Ultra Turf Weed & Feed for Bahia and Mixed Lawns granules 0.64
Vigoro Ultra Turf Winterizer Weed & Feed granules 0.64
Miracle-Gro Weed And Feed 27-3-6-Old Product granules --
Scotts LawnPro Step 2 Weed Control Plus Fertilizer 29-3-3-Old Product granules --
Scotts LawnPro Super Winterizer with Plus 2 Weed Control 24-3-12-Old Product granules --
Scotts Turf Builder Plus 2 Lawn Fertilizer 28-3-3 & Weed Control Mecoprop-Old Product granules --
Scotts Turf Builder Pro Lawn Fertilizer 29-3-3 and 0.50% Mecoprop-P Weed Control-Old Product granules --
Scotts Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control-02/14/2002-Old Product granules --
Scotts Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control-Old Product granules --
Scotts Weed and Feed 22-3-3-Old Product granules --
Scotts Wintercare Plus 2 Fall Lawn Fertiliz 22-4-11 & Mecoprop Weed Contr.-2/14/2003-Old Product granules --
Scotts Wintercare Plus 2 Fall Lawn Fertiliz 22-4-11 & Mecoprop Weed Contr.-10/18/2002-Old Product granules --
Scotts Wintercare Plus 2 Fall Lawn Fertilizer 26-3-12 and 0.605% Mecoprop-P Weed Con.-Old Product granules --
Scotts Winterizer with Plus 2 Weed Control-10/18/2002-Old Product granules --
Scotts Winterizer with Plus 2 Weed Control-Old Product granules --
Spectracide Weed Stop Weed Killer for Lawns, Ready-to-Use Spray-Old Product liquid 0.493

Bonide DuraTurf Crabgrass Plus-02/02/2022

granules 0.675

Bonide DuraTurf Crabgrass Plus, Crabgrass & Broadleaf Weed Killer-02/18/2016

granules 0.675

Bonide DuraTurf Weed & Feed Phase 2 with Slow Release Fertilizer 16-0-8-02/17/2016

granules 0.182

Bonide DuraTurf Weed & Feed-01/30/2020

granules 0.182

Bonide Liquid Weed & Feed 20-0-0, Hose-End Spray-02/17/2016

liquid 2.26
Ortho Weed-B-Gon Weed Killer for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Control, Ready to Use-11/24/2013 liquid 0.12
7709_Image Schultz Supreme Green Weed & Feed.jpg
Schultz Supreme Green Weed & Feed 28-3-3 granules 0.64

Scotts STEP 2 Weed Control Plus Lawn Food 2-12/04/2015

granules 1.21

Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3-12/04/2015

granules 1.21

Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed & Feed3-12/04/2015

granules 1.21
Bonide Brushkil Poison Oak & Ivy Killer Concentrate-Old Product liquid <0.3
Bonide Weed & Feed Phase 2-07/26/2011-Old Product granules 0.182
Scotts Lawn Weed Control-Old Product granules --
Scotts Step 2 Weed Control Plus Lawn Food-05/07/2012-Old Product granules 1.0-3.0
Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed 3-05/09/2014-Old Product granules 1.0-3.0
Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed & Feed, 26-2-12-11/25/2013-Old Product granules 1.0-3.0
Spectracide Pro Broadleaf Weed Herbicide Concentrate-Old Product liquid 25.38
Spectracide Weed Stop Concentrate-Old Product liquid 6.25
Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns plus Crabgrass Preventer Granules-07/09/2012-Old Product granules 0.64
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