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Sorry! ECHA has not published any information for this chemical as of January 1, 2020.


Primary Chemical Name :

Primary Chemical Name is the standard name assigned to a chemical substance.

CAS Registry Number: 000127-18-4
EC Number:

Synonyms are alternative names that represent the same chemical substance.


The EC Number, formerly known as the EINECS number is a unique 7-digit number (format: xxx-xxx-x) assigned to chemicals registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene; 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethylene; Ankilostin; Antisol 1; Carbon bichloride; Carbon dichloride; Czterochloroetylen; Didakene; Dilatin PT; Ethene, tetrachloro-; Ethylene tetrachloride; Ethylene, tetrachloro-; Perawin; Perc; Perchloorethyleen, per; Perchlor; Perchloraethylen, per; Perchlorethylene; Perclene; Perclene D; Percloroetilene; Percosolv; Percosolve; PERK; Perklone; Persec; Tetlen; Tetracap; Tetrachlooretheen; Tetrachloraethen; Tetrachloroethene; Tetraguer; Tetraleno; Tetralex; Tetravec; Tetroguer; Tetropil
Properties and Health Effects

Sources for Information on Chemicals

List of 51 Brands that contain this chemical

Product Category
Commercial / Institutional

Canberra Husky Vandalism Mark & Stain Remover 1229, Aerosol, Professional Use-05/01/2015

aerosol 10.0-20.0

Claire Vandalism Mark & Stain Remover, CL870, Aerosol, Professional Use-02/03/2015

aerosol 10.0-20.0
CRC Lectra Clean 3000 Energized Electrical Equipment Cleaner 1750521, Aerosol, Professional Use-04/12/2018
aerosol 90.0-100.0
Claire Vandalism Mark & Stain Remover, Aerosol, Professional Use-Old Product aerosol 8.0-10.0
Aleenes Platinum Bond 7800 Adhesive liquid 70.00
Aleenes Platinum Bond Patio & Garden Adhesive liquid 70.00
Aleenes Platinum Bond Super Fabric Textile Adhesive liquid 70.00
ARAMCO Art and Crafts Goop, FP Goop-Old Product liquid --

E6000 Jewelry & Bead Industrial Strength Adhesive-03/12/2015

tube 60.0-100.0

E6000 Shoe Dazzle Industrial Strength Adhesive-10/06/2014

tube 60.0-100.0
E6000 Jewelry & Bead Glue-Old Product tube 60.0-100.0
E6000 Shoe Dazzle Shoe Art Glue-Old Product tube 60.0-100.0
Home Maintenance
Canberra Husky 1229 Vandalism Mark & Stain Remover, Aerosol, Professional Use-Old Product aerosol 8.0-10.0
Champion Anti Seize-Old Product aerosol 45 - 50
Plumbers Goop Adhesive and Sealant-Old Product paste 67.5
7877_image Sprayway Industrial Clean Up Dry Clnr732.jpg
Sprayway Industrial Cleanup Dry Cleaner No. 732-Old Product aerosol 45-55
7900_image Sprayway Vandalism Mark Stain Rmvr 870.jpg
Sprayway Vandalism Mark and Stain Remover No. 870-Old Product aerosol 10
Inside the Home
Hagerty Silversmiths Spray Polish aerosol 30.5
Champion Spot It Gone-Old Product aerosol 20 - 25
E6000 Industrial Strength Craft Adhesive-Old Product tube 60.0-100.0
7879_image Sprayway Industrial Fabric protector 980.jpg
Sprayway Industrial Fabric Protector No. 980-Old Product aerosol 20.0-30.0
Auto Products

Amazing Goop II Max Adhesive-10/06/2014

tube 60.0-100.0

Amazing Goop, Automotive Trim Repair-05/06/2015

tube 60.0-100.0
CRC Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner 05089, Aerosol-09/15/2020
aerosol 90.0-100.0
CRC Brakleen Pro-Series Brake Parts Cleaner, Non-Flammable 05089PS, Aerosol-09/15/2020
aerosol 90.0-100.0

E6000 Industrial Strength Craft Adhesive, Clear-02/05/2015

tube 60.0-100.0

E6000 Pro-Grade Adhesive-02/05/2015

cartridge 60.0-100.0
Espree Tire Shine-discontinued aerosol 30
Gunk Brake Parts Cleaner, Chlorinated M720, Aerosol-03/29/2020
aerosol 90.0-100.0

Gunk Brake Parts Cleaner, Chlorinated, Fast Blast, M720T, Aerosol-03/19/2018

aerosol 90.0-100.0

Permatex Pro-Strength Brake & Parts Cleaner, Aerosol, Professional Use-06/19/2015

aerosol 40.0-70.0
8048_Image Pyroil brake parts clnr bottle_bot_BPC-20.jpg
Pyroil Brake Parts Cleaner-Old Product aerosol 90-100
Pyroil Brake Parts Cleaner-07/18/2012 aerosol 90.0-100.0
Snap Wire Drier-discontinued aerosol 45-55
Trouble Free Rust Buster aerosol --
Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner-01/26/1999-Old Product liquid >90
Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner-03/28/2002-Old Product liquid >90
Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner-Bulk-Old Product liquid >90
Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner-Old Product liquid 65-94
Champion Carburetor Cleaner-Old Product aerosol 15.0 - 20.0
Champion Sprayon Brake Parts Cleaner-Old Product aerosol <1
Champion Sprayon Degreasing Solvent-Old Product aerosol 20 - 25
CRC Brakleen Brake Parts Cleaner, 05089, Aerosol-08/07/2014-Old Product aerosol 90.0-100.0
Gumout Professional Non Flammable Brake Parts Cleaner-Old Product aerosol 50-90
Lectra Motive Auto Care-03/28/2002-Old Product aerosol >90
Lectra Motive Auto Care-Old Product aerosol 70-100
Liquid Wrench Supr Lubricant with Teflon-Old Product aerosol 65-80
ProFree Anti Seize Lubricant-Old Product aerosol 45 - 50
ProsALL Propen Non flammable Penetrating Oil-Old Product aerosol 60 - 65
ProsALL Prosolv-Old Product aerosol 20-25
7849_image Sprayway Automotive Brake Parts Clnr 706.jpg
Sprayway Automotive Brake Parts Cleaner-Old Product aerosol 45-55