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In case of poisoning, immediately contact your 24-Hour Poison Control Hotline at : 1-800-222-1222 in U.S.A.

First Aid Information For: RIT Sun Guard

Inhalation: If signs and symptoms of irritation are observed, remove subject from area. Perform artificial respiration and/or seek medical attention if necessary.
Skin: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected area with soap, and rinse with water for at least fifteen minutes. Seek medical attention if necessary.
Eyes: Flush affected areas with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical assistance.
Ingestion: Do Not induce vomiting. If the subject is conscious, give large quantities of milk or water. Call a physician. If the individual is unconscious or convulsive, seek immediate medical assistance. Do not attempt to give liquids to an unconscious person.