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First Aid Information For: PortionPac StripPac4 Concentrated Floor Finish Remover 314, Professional Use-Old Product
Eye Contact: PROMPTLY flush with large amounts of water occasionally lifting the lower and upper lids. Get immediate medical attention.
Skin Contact: As for all foreign materials, wash off concentrate or diluted use solution with water. Remove clothing, which has been saturated by concentrate. Do not allow prolonged contact with the concentrated undiluted material as toxic amounts can be absorbed.
Ingestion of Concentrate: DO NOT induce vomiting. Immediately give two glasses of water or milk to dilute. NEVER give anything to an unconscious person. Call a physician. Treatment should be directed at the control of symptoms and the clinical condition of the patient. There is no specific antidote. Main hazard is due to irritant properties of amines. Bronchodilators, expectorants and antitussives may be of help.
Ingestion of Diluted Solution: Give two glasses water to dilute. Call physician. Severe consequences should not be expected.