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In case of poisoning, immediately contact your 24-Hour Poison Control Hotline at : 1-800-222-1222 in U.S.A.

First Aid Information For: Chevron Techron Concentrate Plus

Eye: No specific first aid measures are required. As a precaution, remove contact lenses, if worn, and flush eyes with water.
Skin: Wash skin with water immediately and remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention if any symptoms develop. To remove the material from skin, use soap and water. Discard contaminated clothing and shoes or thoroughly clean before reuse.
Ingestion: If swallowed, get immediate medical attention. Do not induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Inhalation: Move the exposed person to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention if breathing difficulties continue. Move the exposed person to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention if breathing difficulties continue or if any other symptoms develop.
Note to Physicians: Ingestion of this product or subsequent vomiting may result in aspiration of light hydrocarbon liquid, which may cause pneumonitis. In an accident involving high-pressure equipment, this product may be injected under the skin. Such an accident may result in a small, sometimes bloodless, puncture wound. However, because of its driving force, material injected into a fingertip can be deposited into the palm of the hand. Within 24 hours, there is usually a great deal of swelling, discoloration, and intense throbbing pain. Immediate treatment at a surgical emergency center is recommended.